Breathe better
Work better
Live better

Solutions to help you transform
your indoor air quality

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Why does air quality matter?

We spend 90% of our lives indoors, where the air
we breathe is up to 5 times more polluted

We have become an indoor generation

Air Pollution

Air pollution kills an estimated 7 million people worldwide every year and data suggests that 91% of the worlds population live where air quality exceeds WHO guidelines.

The importance of air quality in our homes, schools and workplaces has never been more significant and, today the UK government recognises that it is the biggest environmental threat to our health and wellbeing.

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Virus Transmission

Virus transmission risks are significantly greater in indoor spaces due to the spread of microscopic droplets or aerosols which can remain in the air for long periods of time.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the spotlight has been on fresh air ventilation rates within indoor spaces and the importance it can play in helping to reduce the spread of the virus.

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What's in the air you breathe?

How does air quality affect your business?


High levels of CO2 reduce cognitive function making it more difficult for people to learn, perform tasks and make decisions.

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Poor indoor air quality increases the likelihood people are unwell leading to higher levels of absence and reduced wellbeing.

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Energy Efficiency

Optimising HVAC systems using live air quality data can significantly improve energy efficiency and increase equipment lifecycles.

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Virus Risk

Virus transmission risks are far greater in indoor spaces as microscopic airborne droplets remain in the air for long periods of time and can quickly spread throughout a building.

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Business Risk

Future public health pandemics, workplace biosecurity and employee wellbeing litigation are just a few of the emerging challenges employers face in the post Covid-19 world.

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Intelligent indoor air quality control, helping you provide
safe, healthy indoor spaces

Wireless air quality sensors
Dynamic HVAC interface
Standalone connectivity (3G/4G)
Secure, encrypted end-to-end solution
Cloud based dashboard
24/7 Bureau support

Time to re-engineer your workspace?

Specialist technical solutions to help you
transform your indoor environment
Indoor Air Quality

Smart indoor air quality monitoring solutions

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Air Pollution

Hyper-local outdoor
air pollution data

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Airthings Renew

Air cleaning

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Testing & Inspection Services

Specialist testing and
inspection services

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Ventilation Systems

Building ventilation

Coming soon

Do you know
what's in the air
you breathe?

Try our indoor air quality
health check from
£195 + VAT

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#CleanAirSchools campaign

We're helping local schools better understand
what's in the air they breathe

Learn more

Our solutions in action

Why does air quality matter and how does it affect you?

Legislators are preparing to get tougher on indoor air quality, as science proves it has a real impact on our health, productivity and wellbeing

Download our eGuide

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Our partners

We work with some of the world's leading manufacturers to provide smart,
cutting edge, indoor environmental monitoring and control solutions


Our accreditations, certifications &
professional memberships

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We'd love to hear from you

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